Play with a purpose.

Whether they grow up in Congo or in California, kids everywhere need to be kids, and need an opportunity to have fun. At CAMME and YIA, children study and learn new skills, but to truly achieve their potential, we look at the whole person, making sure they learn, while at the same time learning the importance of teamwork, and the benefits of working together towards a common goal.

In CAMME’s earliest days, kids at the center would use the courtyard to play improvised soccer games, practice acrobatic tricks, and jump rope. Today, CAMME has a full-scale football pitch, hosts tournaments, and thanks to the support of generous funders, kids have uniforms, equipment, and more. With former professional football players volunteering at CAMME, children learn from the best, taking their first steps towards living their dreams on the pitch with Congolese superstars TP Mazembe, Chelsea, Ajax, or beyond.

If you visit CAMME today, the first thing you’ll see when you walk in the gate is probably a group of children in the courtyard or on the field, jump-roping, kicking a ball around, or playing tag. At CAMME and YIA, we understand that one of the most important parts of growing up, no matter where you are, is having a chance to play. In between class for toddlers and programs, CAMME encourages kids to take time throughout the day for fun, while at the same time building teams, making friends, and creating a community. As CAMME grows, however, there will always be a need for new equipment, space, and coaches. We hope you will consider supporting our work with tax-deductible contribution.