In 2007, with a $200 donation and a passion to make a positive difference in the lives of disadvantaged young people, CAMME, the “Centre d’Appui en faveur des Mineurs Marginalisés et Exploités,” or in English the Center to Support Marginalized and Exploited Youth, began. Founded by Christine Lunanga with the support of her family, the organization quickly grew.


Working in North Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s most volatile province, CAMME has provided vocational training, education, medical care, food, and a community to thousands of children for more than 10 years, and is continuing to do so today through formal education, vocational training, and a wide variety of social services, recreational activities, and microbusiness development support.


CAMME provides entrepreneurial programs, cultural and vocational training activities, and operates Youth Inspirations Academy, a bilingual French/English preschool and primary school enrolling more than 600 children and growing every year. Through our work, we help Congo’s children create a future free of exploitation, maximize their potential, and empower themselves.


